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We found a solution to Tsogzolma's Parkinson's disease, thanks to the Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)
Deep Brain Stimulation surgery is very effective in treating the symptoms of Parkinson's disease.
Mr. Mahmud came to our center from Uzbekistan with complaints of Parkinson's disease.
Our patient applied to our center from Uzbekistan due to Parkinson's disease.
Deep Brain Stimulation is an effective treatment method in Parkinson disease
Ms. Zahrah cannot walk or drink water due to her illness.
Deep Brain Stimulation is an operation with very satisfactory results
ICBioMed 2022– Advances in Pathogenesis and Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease Based on...
You don’t have to decide between your nose and your life. You can have both.
Parkinson's disease Overview with Christopher Goetz
Mother of Mine - Xafira Mendonsa ll Dementia ll Parkinson's ll Alzheimer's ll Karaoke Version
Researchers identify a molecular mechanism associated with juvenile Parkinson’s